The idea for Deerhaven Home was born out of a story that was shared at a CASA Light of Hope Breakfast in 2019. We learned that many of our youth in need, right here in our county, were not always being placed in situations that best suited their needs. We wondered why. Why was this happening in our own backyard and how could we help find a solution to the problem? We began asking questions and digging in with the local youth organizations, community leaders, advocates and so many more.

Why didn’t we offer a solution in the form of a foster campus? If we did, would it work?

When we started on this journey we truly thought that we would be told no. Maybe there was something we were missing. Maybe there was a reason this hadn’t happened yet.

Instead of a no, we heard a resounding YES!

We do need this solution. Yes, we should be doing this for our youth. So we continued to research and we began the process to make this an official project. Here we are today with the beginning of what will be a turning point for our community and the youth in need all around us….Deerhaven Home

The Issue

Currently, in McHenry County 40-50% of youth in-care are fostered outside of the county.

This added strain caused by the removal of all things familiar –community, school, relationships, etc.— further complicates the ability to provide their most-imperative services be it through the state or the efforts of local non-profits. Reunification proves exceedingly difficult the further the proximity is between children and their natural parents.

There is also a population of parents-in-crisis needing respite in order to deal with their own set of unique challenges—seeking new housing or employment, lack of childcare, drug addiction treatment, or completing their in-tact obligations.

In addition, McHenry County has homeless youth–kids whose greatest fortune is finding a meal and a warm bed for the night—seeking structure doesn’t occur to them, let alone the possibility of a future.There is a dire shortage of foster homes throughout the Chicagoland area.

Our Solution

We seek to solve the issue of youth placements outside of McHenry County by offering a solution in Deerhaven Home.

We will fundraise, plan and build a foster campus on a large piece of wooded land here in McHenry County that will provide a home, the services & resources, and support system that is necessary for these youth to thrive.

These services and housing options will be available to any and all youth in need.

The Goal

Our initial goal is to fundraise $5,000,000. These funds will go towards obtaining the land, building the campus, furnishing the cottages and resource center, hiring & training the staff, organizing the volunteer group and much more. This campus would provide a home, as well as the necessary resources & services in order to create an environment where the youth can thrive while they progress through their individual situations. Here is a glimpse into the structure of what Deerhaven Home will be:

Physical Layout

  • 40+ acre wooded land
  • Main headquarters with office, nurses station, counselors office, store for the residents
  • Day and Night care program for youth of families in need
  • Multiple cottages to house the youth based on age, gender, family grouping etc
  • Walking paths
  • Gardens
  • Playgrounds
  • Activity Center

Staffing Plans

  • A thoroughly trained and prepared staff will be necessary to properly serve the residents.
  • Staff will include our Executive Director, Development Manager, Program/Resource Director, Cottage staff for both day and night shifts, Security team, Transportation, Landscape & Maintenance and so many more!


  • We will need a robust volunteer group that will include….tutors, mentors, transportation, office support, kitchen help, and so much more!